Weekly Unravel Yoga Classes*
M 5:30-6:30p Live Online Yoga Class using Zoom | Level One+ Hatha | $12-15/class**
T 11:00a-12:15p In-Person Gentle Yoga | Level One + | $12-15/class** | King Of Glory Church in Boise, ID
T 4:45 - 5:45p Live Online Yoga Class using Zoom | Level One+ Hatha | $12-15/class**
TH 9:30 - 10:30a Live Online Yoga Class using Zoom | Level One Hatha | $12-15/class**
Starting in November 2022: RESTORATIVE YOGA ONLINE, First Monday | November through February, 2023
Unravel Yoga Philosophy: Our body's energy ebbs and flows with the seasons. Varying the practice between Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, Mind Body Alignment and Restorative gives the yogi a well-rounded practice — like eating from a buffet with a wide variety of delicious dishes. Contact me directly for more information and to sign up for classes.
Note: Content and level will vary with each class as they are sequenced with the participants and their specific therapeutic needs in mind.
*Due to the Online format must RSVP 30 minutes prior to Class to receive link.
**Pricing is sliding scale and reflects purchase of class card for 4 or more classes.
yoga classes

Experience the deep stillness of yin yoga - allowing connective tissue to release and the mind to calm. This practice is incorporated into a monthly rotation of all classes.

The renewal of energy during spring and summer is represented in yang-focused practices of Flow and Mind Body Alignment.

Starting in late autumn through deep winter, experience rejuvenation and replenishment with a monthly candlelight restorative class.